Thursday, June 2, 2011

The UN is a joke. All hail the UN

So the UN had a special team investigate teh conduct of the Civil War in Libya recently. Brace yourself, their findings were dramatic.

Both sides are gulity of war crimes!!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

So you are telling me UN special human rights team, that both sides in a military conflict pitting an oppressed people versus a long term dictator aren't following the rules? How 3rd world. I do love that little spin the investigators put on the story. Sure the rebels are committing human rights violations too but not as much so it is not so bad. Not a conflict of interest when the UN turned over the Libyan mission to NATO...even though the countries involved are pretty much the same and no one has a clear plan outside of bombing Libyan military forces and installations. 'But it is a different acronym so it must mean that the UN is impartial and only looking out for the rights of people everywhere.' Sure thing.  I mean, they are going to talk about it and everything! Abusers of humanity beware! 

Thoughts on the whole Libyan debacle are fit for another post at another time but lets just say that anyone thinking that two sides involved in a civil war are just going to play soldier and go home needs their rose colored glasses shoved up their a$$. News flash, playing soldier has pretty much always involved a bit more than a battle here and a uniform there. From the beginning of organized military force, soldiers tend to do stuff that us modern, informed, ethical people frown up...except our modern, ethical, informed military forces still do it. Combat and being placed in a situation where death is probable does not lend itself to moral debate. The amount of hypocrisy at play here, that is always present in UN dealings, is crushing. Reading that story and the report mentioned in it pretty much provokes this reaction from me.

The UN is the epitome of bureaucracy at its worst. It had, at one time, a noble calling. Now it is an international bloat, a giant tick feeding off world problems and pain. 

And So It Begins...Wait, I Said That Already.

I hate blogs. Apparently I embrace hypocrisy with each personal belief shattering keystroke. "You hate blogs eh? Why are writing this?" Fair question. Why do I write this? I write that because it is the greatest hockey blog ever (and by that I mean I think so. So does the impartial jury of family members). In the course of writing that, I found that writing stuff about stuff that gets me excited/mad/annoyed/thinking is a nice way to deal with the unfortunate reality of working for a living. I then had an epiphany, There is more to the world than hockey. Not a whole lot more, but a little bit, especially during the summer when there is no hockey. I was shocked to realize I had thoughts on some of those non-hockey events as well. I was also really bored at the place of employment one day. So I thought, why not write more stuff that no one will ever read? If it shaves off a layer of stress, it is worth it. Stupid real life with its stupid bills and responsibilities. At any rate, let me set the bar rather low and go from there. If you come across this, welcome and allow me to offer web searching tips because you obviously went astray somewhere.

And now to demonstate the level of awesomeness and unoriginality I will regularly display, a giant smiley face. Random? Certainly but he is oh so happy.